№1青少年センターのシダレヤナギ in HIROSHIMA
A-bomebed trees in HIROSHIMA

▼樹齢70年以上。樹高:5.5m 幹周り:2.6m
原爆投下後に芽生え、今も生き続ける木の中で、最も爆心地に近い場所で被爆した木。原爆ドームから相生橋Aioi Bridgeを越え、本川(旧・太田川)のほとりを歩いて、1~2分のところに立っています。爆心直下で熱線と爆風を浴びた木は幹のほとんどが消失したと考えられています。しかし、このヤナギは死んではいませんでした。翌年の春、かろうじて残った根元の残骸からか、土の中から芽吹いたとされています。いつ、どの枝から芽が出たのか、教えてくれる人はありません。今は何事もなかったように、風に吹かれています。
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
tree species:Weeping willow
botanical name:Salix babylonica
age:? years old
address:Motomachi 14,Hiroshima city
5 minute walk from the A-bomb Dome.(photographing date:Aug,2011)
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 370m from the hypocenter. The willow is standing in the nearest place from the hypocenter. It had been rumored that "nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 75 years", so this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair. located to the north of the Aioi Bridge on the east bank of the Honkawa River. Aioi Bridge was the target of the atomic bombing because of the visibility from the air of its unique T shape and its location at the very center of the city. The willow tree was burned down by the Atomic bombing, but new buds sprouted from the roots.