№25 縮景園ムクノキ in 広島
A-bomebed Camphor tree in HIROSHIMA

Scars of A-Bomebed Tree
▼樹齢70年以上 樹高:11m 幹周り:2m
江戸時代から続く名勝(めいしょう)、「縮景園(しゅっけいえん)」の中に立つムクノキ。庭園内のいちばん北、園外から見ると、コンクリート塀を突き破って、猿猴川のほうへ傾いています。川をのぞき込むような姿は、被爆当時、水を求めて川に入った人々の様子を思わせます。よく見ると、幹の中はほとんど空洞で、表面には「亀裂」ができています。被爆によって、木の内部は死んだ状態となり、外側の樹皮だけで、この木は立っているのです。 それでも毎春、芽吹き、緑を繁らせています。
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Muku tree/Shukkeien Garden
1,370m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Aphananthe aspera)
age:over 70 years old
address:2 Kami noboricho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1370m from the hypocenter. There is this tree in Sukkeien.The muku tree is at the far end of the garden in the northwest corner. It has a big scar. There are other A-bombed trees, including a ginkgo and a black pine. Shukkeien was created in the year Genna 6 (1620) by Shigeyasu Ueda, a high-ranking retainer in the service of the Asano Clan who was also a renowned master of tea ceremony. Although Shukkeien was virtually destroyed in the Atomic Bombing. People were drinking the water from the pond in Syukkeien. The following day, they died around the pond.Jun,2015Shooting
★Let's go to see this tree !
2minute walk from "Shukkeien-mae Station", by Street car.