№12金龍寺のクロガネモチ in Hiroshima
A-bomebed Kurogane hollys in HIROSHIMA

▼樹齢約200年 樹高:5m 幹周り:2m
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Kurogane holly /Kinryji temple
940m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Ilex rotunda
age:about 200 years old
height:5 m
address:9-37 Ko-machi Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
Two Kurogane hollies survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 940m from the hypocenter. The trees were burned by the atomic bombing, but a tree survived. There is this tree in Kinryuji-temple. The temple was established in 1632, but all was lost by the atomic bomb.. It was rebuilt in concrete. It was the anniversary year of the foundation 370 years of the temple . Apr,2015 Shooting
★Let's go to see this tree !
10minute walk from the A-bomb Dome. Touching the root of this tree, people are saying that wish come true

№13 市営住宅の中に立つクスノキ Camphor in Hiroshima
This camphor tree is standing in the residential area.
1,010m from the hypocenter

被爆樹巡礼 A-Bombed Trees
学名:Cinnamomum camphora
◎所在地:広島県中区基町16 市営住宅南西側駐車場
DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:Camphor
botanical name:Cinnamomum camphora
1,010m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Motomachi 16,Hiroshima city/1010m from the hypocenter
◎20minute walk from the A-bomb Dome. (photographing date:Aug,2008)
Near the Oota River , this camphor tree is standing in the residential area. I can not think that this tree was in the atomic bomb. At 8:15 a.m, August 6,1945,This Camphor was burned by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb.So this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair.
№14 広島市役所のサクラ in Hiroshima
A-bomebed Yoshino cherry in HIROSHIMA

Tiny green buds growing out of burnt trees!
▼樹齢70年以上 樹高:不明 幹周り:不明
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Yoshino cherry/The Hiroshima City Hall
1,050m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Cerasus x yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino'
Age:over 70 years old
height:? m
Surroundings:? m
Address:1-6-24 Kokutaiji-cho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1050m from the hypocenter.
This cherry tree is called "Hibaku-Zakura (Atomic bombed cherry) ". Located in front of the city hall of Hiroshima. There are three A-bombed cherry trees--2 on the north and 1 on the south sides. Yoshino cherry of life is said to be 60 years. After the war 70 years, it is alive. Trees are living a long life. Apr,2015 Shooting
★Let's go to see this tree !
20minute walk from the A-bomb Dome. There are 3 trees front of The Hiroshima City Hall.

№15 善正寺のサルスベリ in Hiroshima
A-bomebed crape myrtle in HIROSHIMA

The flowers in the atomic bomb-scorched earth. Let us go to see the Atomic Bombed flowers!
▼樹齢80~90年 樹高:4.8m 幹周り:0.62m
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Crape myrtle/Zenseiji-temple
1,100m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Lagerstroemia indica
age:80~90 years old
address:3-11 Tera-machi Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1,100m from the hypocenter. But every years,the crape myrtle blooms in summer. Aug,2016 shooting.
★Let's go to see this tree !
20-30minutes walk from the A-bomb Dome. There is this tree in the Zenseiji-temple.

№16基町交番前のクスノキ in Hiroshima
A-bomebed Camphor tree in HIROSHIMA

原爆からよみがえった木の多くが「被爆の傷あと」を残しています。今日は<爆心地と反対側の生育が旺盛な木> を紹介します。原爆の被害を直接受けなかった幹や枝、根は、爆心側より生長が旺盛で、肥大生長する傾向にあります。根がよく発達したり、新しい枝の発生も多いのが特ちょうです。
被爆クスノキは高層マンションのそばに立っています。被爆後、タンスの材料として伐採されようとしていた時、当時の市の担当者によって救われたと伝えられています。近くにある基町高等学校は原爆によって、生徒や教師369人が亡くなりました。1947年、現在の場所に移転されました。 【この木に会いに行こう!】 路面電車「紙屋町西」で下車、徒歩約20分。基町高層アパート群の前庭に立っています。相生橋を渡り、本川(旧太田川)沿いを歩いていくと、この木に会うまでに2本の被爆ヤナギを巡ることができます。fbページ・トップ写真「青少年センター西側のシダレヤナギ」と「こども文化科学館東側のシダレヤナギ」です。
※市営基町高層アパート:建築家・大高正人氏が設計。彼は前川国男氏の弟子で、その前川氏はル・コルビュジェの建築事務所に勤務していたことがあります。この高層アパートはル・コルビュジェの集合住宅ユニテ・ダビタシオンUnité d'Habitationに強く影響を受けているといわれています。2013年度、「DOCOMOMO JAPAN選定 日本におけるモダン・ムーブメントの建築」に選定されました。
≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Camphor tree/Moto₋machi Police Box
1,090m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Cinnamomum camphora
age:over 70 years old.
address:20 Moto-machi Naka-ku, Hiroshima city
This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1090m from the hypocenter. This tree was going to be cut as materials of the chests, but it was saved by a man. Now,this tree is the tallest of all A-bomb trees. May,2015 Shooting ★Let's go to see this tree ! About 30minutes walk from the A-bomb Dome. There is this tree front of the Moto-machi apartment buildings. The buildings built in the 1970s. Otaka Masato (1923-2010) designed them. His teacher, Maekawa Kunio (1905-1986) was a student of Le Corbusier. So you can see strong influence of Le Corbusier on these apartment buildings.