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№34 鶴見橋のシダレヤナギ willow in Hiroshima

70 years ago, this willow saw many people were killed by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb.
1,700m from the hypocenter

sIMG_5143 willow tsurumi1.jpgのサムネイル画像sIMG_5139willow tsurumi 2.jpg

被爆樹巡礼A-Bombed Trees
◎所在地:広島県南区比治山本町20 鶴見橋東詰め



DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:willow
botanical name:Salicaceae
1,700m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Motomachi 20,Hijiyama,Minami-ku,Hiroshima city
◎In tram from Hiroshima Station, "Hijiyama shita" get off,1minute walk.
(photographing date:Aug,2011)

This willow is standing in near the bridge. The tree saw many people were killed by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb.It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 75 years", so this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair.

sIMG_5157willow tsurumi3.jpgsIMG_5174willow tsurumi4.jpg

№35 光明院のナツミカン in 広島

A-bomebed Summer orange tree in HIROSHIMA


実がなる被爆樹木の1つ。ナツミカンのほか、カキ、ナツメなどがあります。 戦前、光明院の境内は現在よりも広く、山陽本線沿いの土手に3本が植えられていました。被爆によって、枝葉が燃え、枯死したかに見えましたが、2年後の春に芽吹き、実がなったのは原爆投下から約10年後のことでした。2015年5月撮影


【この木に会いに行こう!】 広島電鉄電車「白島」から徒歩3分。門の右手に立つのがナツミカンの木です。山門の横、ナツミカンのそばに立つツバキも原爆を生きのびた木だとご住職さんから聞きましたが、広島市登録・被爆樹木には登録されていません。

≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Japanese summer orange tree/The Koumyouin-temple  1700m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Citrus natsudaidai
age:over 70 years old
address:23-3 Hakushima Kyuken-cho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city

This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1700m from the hypocenter. 
At 8:15 a.m, August 6,1945,Hiroshima was burned by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb. It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 70 years", so when people saw new buds sprouting,they were encouraged and were able to have hope for their future. It is alive!

★Let's go to see this tree !
3 minute walk from the Hakushima station. There is this tree in Koumyouin-temple. There is other A-bombed trees, including a camellia,

35光明院のナツミカンIMG_7064 (2)_R.JPG 

№37 明星院Myojoinのイチョウ in Hiroshima

A-bomebed Ginkgo tree in HIROSHIMA

▼樹高:不明 幹周り:不明




≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Ginkgo tree/The Myojoin-temple 
1,780m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Ginkgo biloba
age:? years old
height:? m
address:2-6-25 Futabanosato Minami-ku,Hiroshima city

This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1,780m from the hypocenter. 
★Let's go to see this tree !
15minute walk from the Hiroshima station. There is this tree in Myojoin-temple. There are other A-bombed trees, including 2 pines and sago palms,

№39 山陽文徳殿のソメイヨシノ in 広島

A-bomebed Yoshino Cheree tree in HIROSHIMA

IMG_1506 A_R.jpg【被爆樹(ヒバクジュ)の傷あと】
Scars of A-Bomebed Tree

▼樹齢:約80~90年 樹高:3.5m 幹周り:1m

幹が爆心地のほうへ大きく傾いた、孤高のソメイヨシノ。比治山(ひじやま)へ向かう途中の石段を上ると、被爆してなお、今も残る建物「山陽文徳殿」があります。だれも来なくなり、廃墟(はいきょ)と化した、その建物の前に、ぽつんとひとり、立っているのです。幹は苔むして、今にもたおれそうですが、包帯のように巻かれた布や支柱などで手厚く保護され、人々がこのサクラを守ろうとする強い思いが伝わってきます。 被爆樹の多くは、幹が爆心地のほうへ傾いています。これは爆心地側とその反対側とでは生長の度合いが異なるためです。原爆で焼けた側はほとんど伸びないかわりに、反対側はぐんぐん大きくなるから、被爆した側が押されて、だんだんと幹が曲がっていきました。2014(平成26)年、研究発表されました。だから、上空から写真を撮ると、被爆した木たちはみんな、原爆ドームを指さしているように見えると思います。2015年4月撮影

山陽文徳殿は被爆建物です。1931 (昭和6) 年、江戸時代後期に活躍した歴史家、頼山陽の没後百年を記念して建設されたもので、西洋風の重厚な外壁、モダンな色彩が特徴の建物です。戦局が悪化すると、広島市役所から戸籍原簿の大部分をここに疎開させました。1.8キロメートルで被爆。爆風で戸籍原簿は散乱しましたが焼失は免れました。屋根の九輪(くりん)が熱風で変形した当時のまま、保存されています。

参考文献:論文「広島市における被爆樹木が爆心地との位置関係において示す樹形異常」(大脇なぎさ、鈴木雅和、堀口力著 平成26年度日本造園学会全国大会研究発表論文集32)

≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Yoshino Cheree tree/The Sanyo-buntokuden 
1,800m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Cerasus x yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino'
age:80₋90 years old
height:3.5 m
address:7-1Hijiyama-cho Minami-ku,Hiroshima city

This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1,800m from the hypocenter. There is a cherry tree at Sanyo Buntokuden, located near the foot of Hijiyama Hill. After the bombing,the burned side of tree did not grow,but the other side went on growing. As a result,the trunk gradually bent toward the hypocenter. Apr,2015 shooting.

Buntokuden was built in 1934 to mark the centennial of Rai Sanyo's death. Rai Sanyo was a famous scholar, and his museum is in the city center. There is A-bombed kurogane holly(№2) in the garden of Rai Sanyo Historic Spot Museum.After the war, on the top of the roof, there is a nine ring ornament, which was bent due to the atomic bombing. The belfry is one of the existing A-bombed buildings.

★Let's go to see this tree !
30minute walk from the A-bomb Dome.

№40 碇(いかり)神社のソメイヨシノ in Hiroshima

A-bombed Cherry tree in HIROSHIMA

IMG_1719_R (2).JPG ▼爆心地からの距離:1,800m 
▼樹高:9m/幹周り: 1.45m




≪DATA of A-Bombed Trees≫
Cherry tree/The Ikari-jinja Shrine
  1,800m from the hypocenter
botanical name:Cerasus x yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino'
age: 73 years old over
height:9 m
address:12-20 Hakushima Kyuken-cho Naka-ku,Hiroshima city

This tree survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, about 1800m from the hypocenter.
At 8:15 a.m, August 6,1945,Hiroshima was burned by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb. It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 70 years".so when people saw new buds sprouting,they were encouraged and were able to have hope for their future. It is alive! The spring in 1946, this cherry blossom bloomed.Now it blooming too every spring.

★Let's go to see this tree !
About 10 minute walk from the Hakushima station. There is other A-bombed trees, including a Tabunoki. There is a camellia and a Linden tree in the nearly temple(Houshou-ji temple/№42).

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