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(C)Rieko Sugihara2023

№1 青少年センター西側のシダレヤナギ Willow in Hiroshima

The willow is standing in the nearest place from the hypocenter.
370m from the hypocenter

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被爆樹巡礼 A-Bombed Trees

二股に分かれた幹の右下辺り、人間の耳の形のように見えませんか? ヤナギは耳を澄ませて、誰かの声を聴いているかのようです。8月6日、姿は消え去っても、大地にそっと身をひそめ、この地で生きる人々の苦しみ悲しみを聴いていたのではないでしょうか。助けを呼ぶ小さな声をもっとよく聴こうと耳をそばだてるうちに、いてもたってもいられなくなって、ヤナギの芽はひょっこりと大地から顔を出したのかもしれません。

DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:willow
botanical name:Salicaceae
370m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Motomachi 14,Hiroshima city
◎5minute walk from the A-bomb Dome. (photographing date:Aug,2011)

The willow is standing in the nearest place from the hypocenter.It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 75 years", so this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair.


№2 頼山陽史跡資料館のクロガネモチ Round Leaf holly in Hiroshima

The young plants of round Leaf holly is growing up after five years of atomic bomb,in the garden of Rai Sanyo Shiseki Museum.
410m from the hypocenter

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被爆樹巡礼 A-Bombed Trees
学名:Ilex rotunda


DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:round Leaf holly
botanical name:Ilex rotunda
410m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Fukuro-machi,Naka-ku,Hiroshima city
◎5minute walk from the A-bomb Dome. (photographing date:Aug,2011)

This round Leaf holly planted plante here many years ago.The tree was burned down by the A-bombing on August 6,1945,only with its stump left.However,in 1949, the stumb miraculously sprouted again and has grown about 5 meters.

№3 こども文化科学館東側のシダレヤナギ Willow in Hiroshima

This willow has survived only one , when Hiroshima was burned by the atomic bomb on August 6,1945.
450m from the hypocenter

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被爆樹巡礼 A-Bombed Trees


今は子どもたちが科学を気軽に楽しめる場となっている、子ども文化科学館。当時はこの辺りには西練兵場があり、外周にはぐるりとヤナギの木が植えられていました。原爆が落とされた後、その中で、たった一本だけ生き残ったヤナギです。原爆投下直後、水のあるこの辺りには大勢の人が水を探し求めて歩きました。水を飲みながら死んでしまった人、「水がほしい」と嘆きながら水を口にできずに死んだ人もたくさんいました。 ヤナギの木は忘れることはありません、70年前のあの日のことを、命がある限り。

DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:willow
botanical name:Salicaceae
450m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Motomachi 5,Hiroshima city
◎10 minute walk from the A-bomb Dome.
(photographing date:Aug,2011)

This willow is standing in the very near place from the hypocenter. On August 6,1945,when Hiroshima was burned by the blazing heat of the atomic bomb, burning all other trees,this willow has survived only one in this place.It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 75 years", so this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair.
70 years ago,many people wanted to drink the water,so they came searcing for water.But They were not able to drink water.Men and women and children went dead. Now this willow is standing near the fountains. This willow will never forget that day 70 years ago , and as long as there is life.

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№4白神社(しらかみしゃ)のクスノキ Camphor in Hiroshima

This camphor survived anyone in the burnt field which disappeared.
490m from the hypocenter

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被爆樹巡礼 A-Bombed Trees
学名:Cinnamomum camphora
◎所在地:広島県中区基町7-24 白神社内
◎会いに行くには:広島駅より路面電車「紙屋町経由広島港」行き、「袋町」 で下車、徒歩1分


DATA of A-Bombed Trees
tree species:Camphor
botanical name:Cinnamomum camphora
490m from the hypocenter
◎age:? years old
◎address:Shirakami-sha,Motomachi 14,Hiroshima city
◎In tram from Hiroshima Station, "Fukuro-machi" get off,1minute walk.
(photographing date:Aug,2008)

The Camphor is standing in near the place from the hypocenter.It had been rumored that"nothing will grow in Hiroshima for 75 years", so this sight rekindled courage and hope in many who were close to despair.

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